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Larry A. Meltzer, Agency Principal

The superstars at MM2 who work with client Lennox Industries are looking for a different kind of superstar:  an Energy Savings Superstar!

2017 marks the fifth annual Energy Savings Superstar contest, a fun and engaging way for consumers to share a tip and photo to demonstrate how their family saves energy. The contest, sponsored by Lennox, the leading manufacturer of innovative home comfort products, awards a grand prize of up to $10,000 in energy-efficient Lennox heating and air conditioning products, along with other “cool” prizes including tickets to a water park and a year’s supply of ice cream. The popular program shines a light on Lennox’s technologically advanced products that enable consumers to control their indoor air quality, and brings consumers to the Lennox site to learn more about its products.

The Energy Savings Superstar contest kicks off every year with the announcement of the findings from the complementary Home Energy Report Card survey, which grades homeowners on their energy-efficient practices and asks them about how they save energy. One fun finding: 29% of homeowners would rather walk around in their underwear than spend money to cool down their home in the summer months!

If you think you’re an Energy Savings Superstar, head over to the contest website before August 31.